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Hire1 Accelerator

Hire1 Accelerator (H1A) offers a comprehensive 6-month program consisting of over 100 hours of master-class style instruction, coaching, and mentoring. The curriculum focuses on helping established women of color CEOs position themselves to expand into high-growth industries like tech, healthcare, financial services, and e-commerce to attain enough traction to hire full-time employees.


Branding & Educational Training





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Powered by WCEO (The Women’s Center for Economic Opportunity), Hire 1 is a unique opportunity for women of color, that integrates local experts with lived entrepreneurial experienced, and corporate growth partners that mentor and provide contract opportunities for course programs’ participants.

Course presentations, facilitator guides, and workshop participant workbooks were created designed for facilitators to easily navigate through content with the support of visually appealing course appealing and presentations during workshops.

Brand Identity

The branding stemmed from using WCEO’s color palette at the client’s request to establish a connection between programs. The hot pink and magenta, from WCEO, were used as primary colors, and additional shades of pink tones were added for variety.

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